Force-Free Puppy Training

Excitement, anticipation, affection, chaos, occasional overwhelm and at times, frustration — puppies can create a diverse range of emotions, often all at once! During their early weeks and months, your puppy absorbs everything, how can I help facilitate your pathway to a happy, well-adjusted puppy?

The solution is my Force-Free Puppy Program.

My holistic dog-centred approach considers all aspects of raising a puppy, transitioning the challenges into cherished memories, making the journey exciting, and transforming it into an adventure, whilst teaching essential life skills and how to navigate forward.

My puppy program is more than just obedience training…

My 1:1 dog-centred holistic approach assists in creating a safe and nurturing learning environment for your puppy.

Training goes beyond learning and behaviour; it’s not about obedience training, but about your puppy’s emotional well-being. Taking a holistic approach to their health is essential for their overall happiness and development

Those cute puppy antics can evolve into serious behavioural concerns. ‘From little things big things grow’.

Without proper guidance things quickly spiral out of control, leading to a stressful and unhappy relationship with your puppy. My Holistic Force-Free Puppy Program will guide you to achieve realistic goals and to avoid simple mistakes.

The package also includes phone and email support so you can check in, ask questions and celebrate your achievements.

Cost & Benefits

You will learn together

In the first 2 months puppies will learn about day-to-day routines in your home, what they can chew, that feeling safe home alone for very short periods of time is okay, that exploring the outside world isn’t scary, that most other dogs are kind and that you will support them. I will guide you on how to ensure your puppy is comfortable, they will learn that vet visits are happy and that examinations, handling and grooming are safe.

You will learn that enjoyable Enrichment provides behavioural, mental and emotional benefits by promoting:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Frustration tolerance
  • Healthy independence
  • Resilience
  • Body awareness and confidence

I will teach you how to keep everyone safe by learning to interpret your puppy’s body language, this is how they communicate their emotions, ask for something or show when they’re overwhelmed or scared, so you can help manage, and keep them feeling safe and supported. 

You will learn how to recognise resource guarding – a natural canine behaviour. Similarly to how humans protect their valuables, dogs may do so around people and other dogs, which can be dangerous. I’ll guide you in managing your puppy, so they feel safe and secure, reducing the need to guard things of value to them.

And there’s house training, and always the big question of Socialisation, these are age-critical. 

Did you know?

Barking and lunging at another dog is not asking for play, it is saying, “Please stay away – give me space, I feel scared.”

Socialising your puppy? 

What it’s not – Socialisation is not simply about encouraging your puppy to make as many friends as possible. It’s not about taking them to busy parks or beaches and letting them freely greet every dog they encounter. This approach can result in strained meetings, causing frustration, barking and unnatural situations for your puppy. These experiences may overwhelm them, making them feel trapped and leading to negative outcomes.

What it is – It’s about introducing them to the world more broadly, helping them feel comfortable, safe and supported when experiencing different surfaces, textures, sounds, sights or novel objects. Socialisation is everything, it’s life!

What sets my Force-Free Puppy Program apart from others?

The 1:1 Puppy Program considers all factors of:

  • individual puppy guardianship,
  • unique breed traits,
  • behavioural requirements,
  • individual temperament,
  • environment,
  • what motivates your puppy,
  • your past learning experiences,
  • daily routines,
  • and most importantly, your expectations.

And to have fun too! 

Together, we’ll work on teaching essential skills that help build connection, exercise their puppy brain and develop good listening skills.

  • What’s the first thing your puppy needs to learn – their NAME: We give names to our pets because they become cherished members of our family, forming deep emotional connections with us. Your puppy’s name helps establish communication and grab their attention when necessary.
  • Sit: Often the first cue your puppy learns. This may not feel exciting, but it can save your puppy’s life. 
  • Lying down: Teaching them to rest and settle in different environments will help them feel calm and relaxed.
  • Loose lead management: A lead can keep your puppy safe when out and about exploring the world.
  • Coming when called: A solid recall is an essential life-saving skill.  

We will foster a learning environment that prioritises safety and security for your puppy. By integrating all these elements, I create a training approach that will ensure a successful pathway forward.